Sunday, March 28, 2021

We are falling in upon ourselves

Our created framework crumbles

The many pieces reject the other

The many pieces destroy – all

We cannot see the crumbling

We are lost in anger and let go

Destroying others destroys us

Every day someone else lets go

The framework bends in pain

Our creation destroys itself

For all evil will destroy itself

We are afraid to see blindness

We fear what we do not know

Fear has become how we live

Fear has become how we learn

Fear has become how we love

Fear has become who we are

The framework is fracturing

Each failure we do not look

The crumbling we say is good

Shielding our eyes from flames

Shielding ears from screams

Shielding hearts from pain

Shielding minds from Truth

Failure has become victory

Destruction is to us victory

Death is progression to us

Murder is our “holy” mantra

We slide to unseen perversion

We think this slide is progress

How many are being deceived

How many will lose their way

How many will be destroyed

How many will be murdered

We are falling in upon ourselves

Our created framework crumbles

The many pieces reject the other

The many pieces destroy – all

The rejected God cannot help

We have “progressed” from God



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September 26, 2024 “ 1 ¶ «A Contemplation of David. A Prayer when he was in the cave.» I cry out to the LORD with my voice; With my voice...