Friday, April 2, 2021


Hatred grows like a cancer perverting and corrupting each cell killing slowly and violently. The only worse thing than violence is a slow and tortuous perversion destroying while slowly eating away not only at the body but also the soul. Fear destroys the will to live, anger kills the root of our care for others which leads to violence seeking to destroy others even at our own destruction.

Cancer needs a painful operation to remove tumors or treatment that in killing hopes to kill the cancer before the patient. Spiritual cancer can only be healed by faith in God as surgeon and treatment where we must spiritually die to self to receive life as Jesus is life.

Kill us God so we can live, in pain and suffering root out the cancer destroying our body and soul and then teach us to live so we can learn to love.

We must trust in hope beyond hope we can be brought to life through Your Spirit just as You gave us Life in the first CPR.


 From my Grace Journal.

It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.


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