Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Prayer for today

On this last day of the year 2021 I give thanks to the Living God who has created and formed with His hands we who are human. We are created in God’s image. Even though we have fallen and no longer who we were created to be or should be God has made every effort to return us to who we should be.

I pray my family and friends will discover and enjoy Your love and forgiveness. I love you oh God. I’m praying You will help them see your presence and love which surrounds them. May they discover a life that glorifies you and fulfills and brings joy to their life.

Around the world there are so many to cry out in fear and in anger. Many do not know what they need or indeed Who they need. Some are unwilling to come to You and discover Your Love. Out of fear, anger, or Pride they cannot or will not come to you. Break through their darkness and fear Lord and open them to Your Light and Your love.

Once again God I hear the cries and the screams of so many. Even as they throw their fists at you God their souls cry out for deliverance and for hope. Make them aware of these cries so they may come to You and find Your light as protection against the darkness of hell.

So many scream because they live in their own hell. They have been abused, used treated people more like meat then as a human being. They are sold, their bodies are sold for more purposes then I can even imagine. But you oh God who loves them knows every pain and every fear and every tear.

You also know the hearts of those who abuse and use those who are in their power. You care for them God, and cry out to them and offer hope as You do to those they abused.

I cannot understand this. How can I understand a love so deep and so amazing. How can I understand a love which cares about those I struggle not to hate. I cannot understand it. Just as I cannot understand how you care about me.

I pray for your church, your body upon this Earth and throughout eternity. I pray they would be empowered by Jesus the Living Word to understand the Bible which is the Your written word. Help them understand that only in the Bible can You reveal the Living Word Jesus Christ. Help us to understand that even in the Bible we see just a reflection of who You are God.

I would pray for the denominations and the country I live in but I do not know what to pray. Are you using this time of difficulty and pain to call them back to you. Is this a teachable moment or is it a destructive attempt of the evil one? So as I pray in everything let your will be done, amen, which means so be it.

God I know I am a failure to my family and to you. I know I have once again shamed your Son, Jesus Christ. I know I no longer am part of the body of Christ and no longer look to be with You. But I still pray for those You place on my heart. Please hear this prayer even though from a lost one.

Today You called me to pray for Your children to come out of the false unity offered by a false church and discover the eternal unity of the True Church, the Body of Christ.

The prayers are still are on my heart and indeed are part of my soul. When the cries are not heard by my heart they still continue in my soul.

Help me to be a better husband, father and person to others. Do not let their anger and pain caused by me destroy their life and faith.

I pray for Numbers. Reading in the book of Numbers there are so many calculations and commands which direct worship, direction and community. They would move only when directed and how they were directed. Each tribe gave the same despite their difference in size. Many times we are told God spoke to Moses or God commanded Moses.

We seek freedom in worship. It is so easy to desire worship which pleases us often without thinking if it is pleasing to us. We divide over worship. Help Your people come together in worship that pleases You.

The screaming still surrounds and sounds like a symphonic dirge. I know you hear their cries and count their tears. Can we count Your tears? We cannot understand the depth of Your pain because it would kill us. For a mere second I felt a small part of Your pain and it was a crushing load I still look back on. At times I can hear the screams and even the more horrific cries of defiance.

I praise You, God:

When the screams are hard to hear

When the cries of defiance crush my soul

Even though twice fallen and lost for You are worthy!!!

My heart is heavy and I hurt in my body and also my soul.

But still I praise You, God

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.


 12/30/2021 Song

Creator of worlds with Your loving Hand

The Word came from You and all began

Creator God of everything

You are the God of Whom I sing

Loving God formed us with Your Hand

Breathed Your life into the formed dust

Loving God of everything

You are the God of Whom I sing

Creator God Who named created man

Your life given by You with a kiss

Creator God of everything

You are the God of Whom I sing


This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.


Today I offer praise and glory to God. Sitting outside I am able to see the Smoky Mountains. I am in awe of Creation which was spoken into existence and formed by God’s touch. Even though fallen and marred by sin Creation remains a dim reflection of Your glory and wonder.

God, how many suffer abuse, pain and fear in their life and soul? Help them see Your love and hope. Break the hearts of stone which abuse others.

Protect Your Church from the many heresies that have always sought to distract or destroy them.

Today I pray Your children will worship You. May they join with heaven to honor, glorify and bless by their sacrifice of praise!

Help Your Children to not get so lost wondering about when You will return they do not live today.

I hurt so bad it is hard to think about praying. Help me lift up those who so desperately need hope and You.

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.

12/28/2021 This story of God coming to us is so amazing! I am not good enough! Why would God do such a thing for me? God came into darkness, sin and poverty. God born an illegitimate child. The hope is you cannot be bad enough the Child did not come for you!!!

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

Why is Christmas only one day? It is not! Christmas is every day you wake and celebrate the Christ Child born not just into a manger but into your heart!

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.


Friday, December 24, 2021

12/27/2021 The Christmas Manger scene has the shepherds and even the wise men included. But the Bible separates the time the wise men came by a year or two as the word child rather than babe is used and after talking with the wise men Herod had babies up to 2 years old killed. The wise men are traveling and there will be a special Sunday to celebrate their arrival. So hold those wise men back and remember many are still coming and are on their own Advent journey!

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

12/26/2021 Today is Sunday and our opportunity to worship the God who loves us and has saved us. So many will complain about the music and the sermon. REMEMBER the service is not for you but it is our time to offer the sacrifice of worship to the God who watches over us 24/7! Go to worship and do all in your soul to make God smile!!!

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.


12/25/2021 Today is what we have waited for or should I say Who we have waited for!!! So I ask you;

What is hope to you?

What is grace to you?

What does this day mean to you?



Into our darkness comes a Child of Light

The Son coming to overcome the Night

Into our Darkness comes Emmanuel

God with us forever will dwell

Into our Darkness, O what a sight

Our sin overcome by His Light

Into the Darkness of fearsome hell

God’s Light comes to make us well

Our Darkness forever is cast aside

And we can now with God abide

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Life!

Christmas Eve Service

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.


12/23/2021 As the Advent journey come to its completion many Christians will gather in congregations and celebrate God’s goodness we have experienced. But for years Christians in the Middle East, parts of Europe and the orient have had many buildings burned, brothers and sisters in Christ killed, vandalized, raped and their children sold as sex slaves. Take time to pray for our Christian family who grieve and cry for their children even as they celebrate God’s goodness!

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.


12/22/2021 The Advent journey continues and we get closer to our goal of coming to Jesus, the Christ Child. Around we may see others slowly making their way to Bethlehem. Some are close enough to see and others are just shadows in the distance. Some are the shepherds who will desire the Child so much they will leave everything behind. Hope and grace are worth leaving everything behind!!!

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.


12/21/2021 It is amazing the Child Who is Light was born into such darkness. Turning away from world’s gaudy light it is easy to be surprised at the comparative darkness of Bethlehem but Jesus was born to overcome the darkness and be the Light of the world. To find hope look in the darkest places for there the Child we seek in Advent is born to overcome the darkness!!!

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

Grace can be easier to see in darkness but can be harder to accept. The Bible reminds us we often prefer the darkness where we can hide from the Light. But we in the darkness can also see the Light as a door to hope and grace and not the light of a train coming at us!

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.


Saturday, December 18, 2021

12/20/2021 At this point in our Advent journey our eyes are drawn to the bright lights of Jerusalem from the tiny light of Bethlehem. Jerusalem has comforts and many of the things we desire or are used to. It is hard to take our eyes from the bright light of destruction to the small intense light of the hope to be born in Bethlehem. Follow hope to Bethlehem and away from the city of death.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

It is God’s grace which calls us. It is God who calls us to grace. John Wesley taught prevenient grace was the grace that comes before. Grace has always come before. Before we knew we needed it and even before we wanted it. God has to call us to grace. The birth of Jesus leads to the murder of Jesus which completes the grace provided through the blood of animals for sin which requires a death. The gift of grace reaches out for all and for all of time.

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships


During this time of Advent remember you are preparing yourself to receive the greatest gift ever given! What can you give God out of appreciation and love? Yes, the gift of ourselves is great but we also could share God’s love with those in need. Help those who need hope to believe that God is not just with them but is on their side!!!


Friday, December 17, 2021

12/19/2021 The journey to Bethlehem continues. Like the wise men of old we follow the small light like a star hoping it will lead us to something more, something good. We do not know how many wise men there were according to the Bible but there were three gifts. Maybe God knew over the years there had been and would continue to be many who would journey with hope to hope.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

The Advent of Jesus was the eternal completion of what began with the sacrifice of animals which we see as far back as Abel who was the first martyr by Cain who was the first murderer. Just as God offered grace to Adam and Eve grace was offered to Cain. Paul was a killer of God’s people who would become the greatest evangelist and theologian and be a martyr. Grace is truly amazing!!!

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.


12/18/2021 Do not be discouraged if the world is falling apart! The world is always falling apart. Always. We may think our time is worse but in history this is a not as bad a time as most. At the moment of our fall everything started falling apart but we can still journey to our only hope. Jesus Christ.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

Grace came into this world

world that is filled with pain

pain of birth followed by cry

cry of the birth of God’s grace

Rejoice! 12/14/2021

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.


Thursday, December 16, 2021

12/17/2021 When a long journey gets too long we can lose sight of where we are going and stop at the wrong place. Here is where being heavenly minded is good. If we have a hope to get to heaven we will continue our journey and hope will grow to faith and faith to sight!

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

I want grace for me just not for them! In what is called the Lord’s Prayer (I think of it as our prayer) we ask God to “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. Basically we are asking God to forgive us to the same degree we forgive others. Oops!

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

12/16/2021 George Conder wrote this hymn and Henry Smart wrote its tune. Use this hymn to help you Worship God as you continue your Advent journey.

All things praise Thee

All things praise Thee, Lord most high,

Heav’n and earth and sea and sky,

All were for Thy glory made,

That Thy greatness thus displayed

Should all worship bring to Thee;

All things praise Thee – Lord, may we!

All things praise Thee – night to night

Sings in silent hymns of light;

All things praise Thee – day to day

Chants Thy power in burning ray;

Time and space are praising Thee,

All things praise Thee – Lord, may we!

All things praise Thee – high and low,

Rain and dew and sparkling snow,

Crimson sunset, fleecy cloud,

Rippling stream, and tempest loud;

Summer, winter, all to Thee

Glory render – Lord, may we!

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

12/15/2021 Each day of Advent draws you closer to Bethlehem and the Christ Child in the manger wrapped in human flesh and then in swaddling cloths. Swaddling cloths are saved for the day of birth. Strips of cloth are gathered when they can be in anticipation of the coming birth. The cloths are a hope of a healthy baby and for life to continue in a new generation. Just as we travel day by day these mothers-to-be gather strip by strip and cloth by cloth.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

The Bible teaches us “by His stripes we are healed”. Before the crucifixion Jesus was whipped stripe by stripe until he would not have looked like a human being. Forty blows with a cat of nine tails which has eight lashes and the handle as a club meant Jesus received 320 lash marks on his body. For grace Jesus went from strips of cloth to stripes of healing and life.

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.


12/14/2021 Hope enables us to continue the journey to Bethlehem as weariness sets in and we ask “are we there yet?” Is this Advent journey really worth it? What is grace and hope worth to you?

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

The grueling Advent journey can wear us down especially if we try to carry too much baggage. The Advent journey is an opportunity to slowly discard our baggage and make the journey easier. We are heading toward hope and grace. We are heading to Life!!!

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.


Saturday, December 11, 2021

12/13/2021 God has not forgotten us. The birth of the Lamb of God in the midst of sheep raised to be sacrificed at the Temple declares God remembers us and loves us!

There is no way I can tell

the pain within my heart

the pain swallows me

the pain eats from within

I hurt for those who hurt

uncared for and alone

lost within a world of pain

unknown and forgotten

God loves each one is true

they are not forgotten

they will never be alone

God loves His lost sheep 4/7/2021


Friday, December 10, 2021

12/12/2021 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, Titus 2:13

Our journey through Advent leads us to the town of Bethlehem where we can see the stable and the manger the Christmas Child lays in. There is no glow, no visible heavenly guard and Jesus cries like every child to let them know they are hungry, need to be cleaned or the many other needs of children. Hope can also be what we do not expect.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

After Christmas, Advent continues as we by grace look and prepare for the coming of Jesus once again. Then Jesus will come as a warrior to complete His victory over death and the evil one. All will be freed from graves, prisons, division and from the power of the evil one. Those who came to the Christmas Child and held on will rejoice but those who did not will cringe in fear. Grace has come, grace dwells with us and grace will come again and make all right!!!

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.


Thursday, December 9, 2021


God, why do You still care

Is there a celestial dare

Not as if we are so fair

Or as if we really do care

Is there something I don’t see

Something deep inside of me

A spiritual DNA I cannot see

That makes You care for me    6/7/10

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.


Wednesday, December 8, 2021


A little baby, all that fuss about a little baby. It’s not like one little child can make such a difference!” How sad we humans are. How dark and without hope we are! I remember my first Christmas as a Christian and how everything changed. I still love Christmas stories, but The Child was at the center. One little Child changed Mary and Joseph’s life incredibly (isn’t that true of our children)! One little Child changed Bethlehem forever! One little Child changed the lives of the Magi! One little Child changed Herod’s life! One little Child CHANGED THE ENTIRE WORLD! I know that you will say that this is only so because that little Child is God! But I beg to differ!

Look throughout history and you will see one child again and again will change the world! It is almost always one child that makes a difference in the world. We have become sated and hopeless and have lost the wondrous hope that not only can one child make a difference, but we can be that child who can make a difference. When that is true we are lost in the darkness and will not experience the bright cleansing light of Christmas! We will settle for the trash and baubles of this world under the tree and miss the gift of the hope and glory that we can make a difference in this world! The hope and glory of God that we are important if for no other reason than that God loves us and gave His ONLY Son for us! That because God gave us Jesus we can do amazing, wondrous, wonderful and at times alarming things! Because of that Child we can become a blessing to the world by living as children of the most high God!

We can change the world, we can change forever and even more God can use us to change someone’s life! We are to be a light to the darkness of our world, we are to be hope to the world’s despair, we are to be love to the world’s fear and we are to be that child that changes the world!

Have you not figured it out yet? As you have received the gift of Christmas

God has made you a Christmas gift to the world! Merry Christmas!

I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12 NIV)

From December 2016 Newsletter

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Today is Pearl Harbor Day and I pray all those serving in the military and the Police, Fire and rescue people will be protected from surprise and be able to return to their families safe. Thank you for your courage and sacrifice!


12/9/2021 Hope is the theme for one of the four Sundays in Advent. Without hope we never would journey to Bethlehem to see the Christ child. How did Joseph and Mary feel and think on their journey to Bethlehem. How much did they know about what was happening? How do you feel? Come to the manger and kneel before hope!

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

As you journey realize the name Bethlehem means house of bread. The Bread of Life was born in the house or home of bread! One of the basic elements of Life and one of the two elements of Communion where we remember the sacrifice of Jesus extending grace to all!

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.


Monday, December 6, 2021

 12/8/2021 Some days I wonder what hope means, but when all comes crashing in and dark just seems to get darker I really know what hope is. Hope is what I am missing, what I need and what I crave. Not in the sense of wanting something to go away or not have to face something but in the sense I have hope I am not alone and with help I can make it. The strength of your hope is found in the strength of the one you place your hope in.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

Grace is unmerited favor and something we are not deserving of. Grace is much more than a gift if for no other reason than the “price” would be God giving His purity to take on our sin, giving His only begotten Son for a rebellious people who spat in the face of God (literally) and in what is beyond our even comprehending can we comprehend allowing the Son of God to die! How is this possible? How can One of the Trinity die without the Trinity dying? Grace is unmerited and incomprehensible but can be celebrated and received.

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

12/7/2021 To be lost. Somewhere in our souls we understand what this means. We are not lost because we do not know the way but because we do not know THE Way. The Way is Jesus and take this Advent season to journey to be at the manger. To see the face of grace and hope. To let God’s fingers grip your finger and know He will never let go. You may let go as I have but God will never let go! This is what Jesus came for. You are what Jesus came for.

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.


Saturday, December 4, 2021

12/6/2021 As we continue the journey through Advent it will be easy to lose our way in the trappings of a secular “Christmas” surrounding us. Its bright lights and fun entertainment is a draw but soon we should realize there is no where to go. Soon we should realize there is no hope in this “Christmas”. It is Godless unless you count the god of desire.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

Grace had been temporary and signified by killing animals as a reminder sin brings death. It is the outcome of sin and it’s very nature. The blood of the sacrifices was a sign of the blood of the Lamb of God which would be shed. But now we journey toward Bethlehem as we anxiously await the birth of the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”!!!

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.


 12/5/2021 Advent is a spiritual journey to Bethlehem to see the Christ Child, the Son of God Jesus whom God gave to us and for us. This is the journey to the hope the Creator God has offered to us and to Creation. Heaven, earth and humanity must come to receive the Child who is hope.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

With the shepherds and the people of Bethlehem hear the call salvation has been born! Jesus was not born to bring salvation but IS salvation. Some that night left wondering what all the noise was about. Others left forever changed by grace. What will you do?

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.

Friday, December 3, 2021

12/4/2021 Advent is a time to prepare to come closer to the Christ Child we will bow before as we come to the manger. Before then prepare for this time by at least praying for your enemies. During the Civil War there was a massive attempt to get Bibles and Prayer Books to soldiers. Here is an amazing excerpt.


O GOD, we beseech You, forgive and pardon our enemies, and give us that measure of Your grace, that for their hatred we may love them; for their cursing we may bless them; for their injury we may do them good; and for their persecution we may pray for them. They have laid a net for our steps, and they have dug a pit before us; Lord, we desire not that they themselves should fall into these, but we pray You would keep us out of them, and deliver, establish, bless and prosper us for Your mercy's sake in Jesus Christ our Savior, to whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit, we desire to consecrate ourselves and our country, now and forever, imploring You to be our GOD, and to make us Your people. Amen.

From the Confederate Soldier’s pocket prayer guide (Updated)


Thursday, December 2, 2021

12/3/2021 Hope can be seen as Christmas lights our darkness. Hope can be seen in hymns and carols being sung. Hope can be seen as we gather to worship the God who came to us, for us.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

The seed of Grace is planted in Bethlehem and lowly shepherds, common townsfolk and royal kings come to worship the promise of Grace come. God bundled in human flesh beneath swaddling cloth brings songs of celebration from heaven and quiet worship of God’s grace born into us.

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.


Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Into our darkness came God’s Light

God wrapped in human flesh as Life

God’s crying in need a sign of Hope

Taking on our needs a sign of Grace

Christmas more than lights on a tree

Christmas more than our gathering

Christmas more than what we will get

Christmas more than what we will give

Christmas is the coming of Jesus – Light

Christmas is the coming of Jesus – Life

Christmas is the coming of Jesus – Hope

Christmas is the coming of Jesus – Grace

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.



November 20, 2024 ““ Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer of Your servant, and his supplications, and for the Lord’s sake cause Your fa...