Friday, August 16, 2024

August 24, 2024

4 ¶ Do good, O LORD, to those who are good, And to those who are upright in their hearts. 5 As for such as turn aside to their crooked ways, The LORD shall lead them away With the workers of iniquity. Peace be upon Israel!” (Psalm 125:4-5 NKJV)

God will have mercy on the merciful

Please have mercy on me when I do not

God blesses those who walk in the Way

Please guide me back to Jesus the Way

Prayerful question: Do I pray for the merciful and the merciless?

Forgive us our trespasses as we (to the same degree) forgive those who trespass against us.”

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September 26, 2024 “ 1 ¶ «A Contemplation of David. A Prayer when he was in the cave.» I cry out to the LORD with my voice; With my voice...