Monday, September 16, 2024

Is the boogeyman a shadow

Is a shadow the boogeyman

Both make you afraid of life

Both make you afraid to live

The darkness is alive with evil

The shadows are the least evil

They are still evil and deadly

Closets becomes places of fear

corners becomes places of fear

Under the bed evil waits for all

You may deride the shadows

You may deride the boogeyman

But if you don’t believe they are

No accepting makes you vulnerable

Ignorance is not bliss but deadly

Fear is God’s protection against evil

Fear can keep us safe from evil

The boogeyman will steal your soul

I will be afraid of what is around me

I will be afraid of what is within me

In the end all around and within dies

All has not been taken away from me

I have given it all away on my own

Is the boogeyman a shadow

Is a shadow the boogeyman

Or am I a shadow and the boogeyman

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September 26, 2024 “ 1 ¶ «A Contemplation of David. A Prayer when he was in the cave.» I cry out to the LORD with my voice; With my voice...